Marriage Counseling for ADHD
Among the various counselling and therapy services we provide to for couples are services in the area of marriage counseling for ADHD. As you may know, ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a major disorder that affects children, and we have extensive experience working with children and their familities to address this disorder. We treat it using hypnotherapy and other similar therapeutic techniques.
ADHD not only affect children,but adults as well . It is estimated that ADHD impacts more than 5% of adults, yet a large majority of these them are currently undiagnosed.
The rate of relationship and marital dysfunction for couples in which at least one adult has ADHD is above 50%. This means that counselors and therapists often encounter the impact of ADHD even though neither client nor the counselor or therapist may realize it as such.
ADHD can lead to other relationship problems. There is currently no known medical cure to this disorder, but counselling and therapeutic methods are known to be effective, and beneficial with significant positive results and benefits.
The counselling and therapy sessions are specific to each case. In addition to counselling, we offer hypnotherapy sessions as well. They are known to be very effective as they work on the subconscious part of the mind.
We work with individuals and couples to resolve problems and develop thriving relationships. We have experience and positive results working with couples that are affected by ADHD.
We have 100s of handwritten clients reviews that we will make available to you to read at our office during a free consultation session we offer to those who signup for free consultation, which we make available to them, at no charge or obligation to them.
We will be glad to discuss with us the particulars of your case , and to offer you a free consultation (which can also be done via the phone prior to a face-to-face meeting at our office). Our office is conveniently located .
Please fill in the form below. You will receive a confirmation immediately.
We lookforward to hearing from you!